Social Studies

Social Studies classes are designed to introduce students to studies within the United States and outside our country’s boundaries. Students are introduced to ancient and contemporary cultures around the world.

Students live in a multi-culturally diverse environment. Knowledge of the customs and traditions of those cultures is imperative, to develop students who are to become tolerant members of society.

Course Name: M/J United States History

Course Length: 1 year

Major Concepts/Content:  The purpose of this course is to enable students to understand the development of the United States within the context of history by examining connections to the past to prepare for the future as participating members of a democratic society. Students will use knowledge pertaining to history, geography, economics, political processes, religion, ethics, diverse cultures, and humanities to solve problems in academic, civic, social, and employment settings.

Course Title: M/J United States History, Advanced

Course Length: 1 year

Major Concepts/Content: The purpose of this course is to enable students to understand the development of the United States within the context of history by examining connections to the past to prepare for the future as participating members of a democratic society. Students will use knowledge pertaining to history, geography, economics, political processes, religion, ethics, diverse cultures, and humanities to solve problems in academic, civic, social, and employment settings. The format will expose students to Advanced Placement Standards and work products will reflect mastery by means of portfolio in required course work.

Special Note: Placement is determined by performance, report card grades and teacher recommendation.

Course Title: M/J Civics

Course Length: 1 year

Major Concepts/Content: The purpose of this course is to prepare students to perform effectively as informed citizens of their community, state and nation by providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to function in a complex, pluralistic and democratic society.  Specific content to be covered will include an understanding of the American Constitutional government, the free enterprise system, and the structure and function of local, state and national governments within that constitutional and economic framework.

Course Title: M/J Civics Advanced

Course Length: 1 year

Major Concepts/Content: The purpose of this course is to prepare students to perform effectively as informed citizens of their community, state and nation by providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to function in a complex, pluralistic and democratic society.  Specific content to be covered will include an understanding of the American Constitutional government, the free enterprise system, and the structure and function of local, state and national governments within that constitutional and economic framework.  The format will expose students to Advanced Placement Standards and work products will reflect mastery by means of portfolio in required course work.

Special Note: Placement is determined by performance, report card grades and teacher recommendation.

Course Title: M/J World Cultures (offered at select CSA schools)

Course Length: 1 year

Major Concepts/Content: The purpose of this course is to enable students to understand that the world is comprised of many diverse cultural groups who have made significant contributions to our past and present. Students will understand the shared characteristics among various cultural groups.

Course Title: M/J World Cultures Advanced (offered at select CSA schools)

Course Length: 1 year

Major Concepts/Content: The purpose of this course is to enable students to understand that the world is comprised of many diverse cultural groups who have made significant contributions to our past and present. Students will use problem solving, research and critical thinking skills as they examine the shared characteristics among various cultural groups. The format will expose students to Advanced Placement Standards and work products will reflect mastery by means of portfolio in required course work.

Course Requirements: Placement is determined by student performance, report card grades and teacher recommendation.

Course Title: M/J World Geography and Digital Technologies (offered at select CSA schools)

Course Length: 1 year

Major Concepts/Content: The purpose of this course is for students to understand the usage of geographic concepts, tools, and skills to draw conclusions about physical and human patterns. Content includes the understanding of world political regions in terms of location, physical characteristics, population and culture, historical change, economic activity, and land use. Students will be exposed to the multiple dynamics of geography including economics and world history. Students will study methods of historical inquiry and primary and secondary historical documents.