3 Little Kids
Before & After School Program
More than an after school program, weekly themed events, a variety of STEAM activities and centers, outdoor sports, afternoon snack, and up to 45-minutes of dedicated time for students to complete homework. The program is fee based. Students may arrive at 6:30 a.m. for before school care and must be picked up by 6:30 p.m. from after school care. 

Please note Edventure will no longer be offering camp programs.

2024-25 school year REGISTRATION NOW Open


New registering parents can register at any time before the start of a new month (Example: for September, parents must register before August 31st) and between the1st – 5th of the current month prior to starting. (Example Sept 1-5 to attend starting on September 6).  After the 6th, parents will be bill for the full month because the program will not permit prorated payments.

Once in the program, parents will be Invoiced 9 days prior to the start of each new month and must pay upon receipt, paying in-full within 3 days of receiving that invoice, to avoid a late fee of $25.00.

If payment is not received by the last day of the month, the child will not be able to attend

Beginning with the new school year Edventure registration will be available through MSB Activities. $35 one time, non-refundable registration fee due at time of registration.

Easily register and pay online with MSB Activities. CLICK BELOW and use your MySchoolBucks credentials to log in - or create a free account!

Once registered, easily pay online or on-the-go with the mobile app.

All Payments must be paid one-month in-full in advance.
1st month due at time of enrollment acceptance.


Register & Pay