Happy Sunday Mustangs,

Wishing all our families well after Hurricane Helene. The campus faired well in the storm and is ready to welcome our students back tomorrow! Thank you to our facilities team for cleaning up the tree debris from the winds and making sure the building is learning ready. Our school fundraiser is still open, make sure you have taken a look at the exciting items the students can sell. We had to make a few adjustments with events due to the recent storm, please take a look below.

Upcoming Events

  • 09/16-09/30 Fall School Fundraiser
  • 10/01 Literacy Night 5:00-6:30 (previously scheduled for 09/26)
  • 10/07-10/11 Attendance Spirit Week
  • 10/10 Kona Ice
  • 10/11 Student of the Month Celebration (previously scheduled for 10/04)
  • 10/11 End of Quarter 1 
  • 10/14 Non-Student Day
  • 10/17 Hispanic Heritage Night 5:30-7:00

Important Reminders

PM1 Testing- Testing has officially concluded! We are proud of our Mustangs and the hard work they put into their assessments. Official score reports will be sent home this upcoming week. Please keep a look out for your child’s report. Contact your child’s classroom teacher if you have any questions or concerns.

School Fundraiser- Register your child today at www.shopfund.com. Currently we have 12% of the school signed up and we are at 32% of our fundraising goal. Let’s see how much of the school we can have participate and let’s get closer to meeting our goal. Take some time to look at the packet your child received at the kickoff event. There are a ton of awesome items that can be purchased including cookie dough and wrapping paper. If you would like to just contribute by donating, you have the option for that too!

Treat Walk Candy Collection- We are beginning to collect candy for the treat walk at the end of October. If you are able to donate, please send individually wrapped candy to school with your child to turn into their HR teacher. The HR with the most donated candy will win a pizza party!

Clubs- Monday clubs will be kicking off on October 7th. We will be communicating with you this upcoming week the clubs that will be offered and how to sign up.

After School Tutoring – Tutoring is a free service that is offered once per week by your child’s classroom teacher. We have attached the tutoring schedule for you to locate your child’s grade level and teacher/subject area you are wanting them to have additional help in. If you do not see your child’s teachers name listed, we will be getting that out to you this upcoming week.

Attendance Spirit Week- October 7th kicks off attendance week. During this week we are seeking to have 100% attendance and we hope our mustangs can do it! We are encouraging students to come to school ready to learn while also getting to participate in fun filled spirited school days. Please see the attached flyer for the spirit days.

Text Messaging Opt In- Have you opted into our new messaging system all you have to do is text Yes to 67587 to receive our texts. Flyer attached.

Spotlight on Students:

Soccer and cross-country have officially begun.  The student athletes have been working hard to show their determination in after school practices as they prepare for the upcoming season. Great work Coach Krupit and Coach Simon. We are excited to see what our mustang’s athletic program has in the works!

Parent Involvement:

Literacy Night is this week. Please make sure to mark your calendars so you and your child can have a fun filled night on campus. The event will take place on Tuesday, October 1st from 5:00-6:30, we look forward to seeing you all there!


Please reach out if you have any questions. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

Have a fantastic week Mustangs!

Stay In The Know:

  • For printable school calendar Click here
  • Get the MUSTANG's calendar directly to your phone: CLICK HERE
  • To receive reminder alerts about school events, click the BELL icon below. You will be asked to create an account to receive calendar alerts.