


Upcoming Events

  • 10/28-11/1 Red Ribbon Week
  • 10/28-11/1 Book Fair: E-Wallet  
  • 10/28 Clubs begin (previously scheduled for 10/14)
  • 10/29 Trunk or Treat AND Hispanic Heritage Night 5:30-7:00 (TRUNK SIGN UPS NEEDED)
  • 10/31 Book-O-Ween
  • 11/6 Student of the Month Celebration (October and November) by invite only
  • 11/7 Kona Ice
  • 11/8 Veteran’s Day Program

Happy Sunday Mustangs!

We would like to give a huge thank you to those who participated in the Emergency Relief Effort for families who suffered losses during the hurricane. A large portion of our donations were provided by our CSA schools in South Florida, we are extremely thankful, in addition we had some of our own families and community members contribute to the donations. We currently still have donated items available to families if you are still in need through this week. Please communicate with Ms. Gomez in the front office for any needs your family may still have. We would like to still provide support in ways we can for our families.

Please reach out if you have any questions. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

Have a fantastic week Mustangs!

Ms. Davis, Principal


This Week:

Scholastic Book Fair- This week the book fair will be taking place on campus. Your child received information on the book fair this past Friday. Students will be able to visit the book fair as a class in addition to days they have money on their e-wallets to shop. Please make sure your child does not bring cash to school as it will not be accepted. You will need to sign up your child for E-Wallet 


Red Ribbon Week- October 28th kicks off Red Ribbon Week! Your students may participate in the spirit dress up days to support our fight against drugs. Please see the attached flyer for the spirit days. Tuesday, we have also added ‘Twin Day’ for the spirit week that was missed due to the hurricane. Students may choose between ‘Team Day’ or ‘Twin Day’. 

Trunk or Treat Candy Collection- Thank you to the families who have sent candy in with your children so far! We have received a significant amount of candy donations, and we are now in need of families to sign up for a Trunk or Treat spot. Information below.

Trunk or Treat Spot Sign Up- We are looking for families to host ‘trunks’ for Trunk or Treat. Spots are $25 and AAH will provide the candy. Please consider signing up and decorating your trunk in a festive and fun way (but remember this is an event with little kids present, so let’s keep the decorations family-friendly and age appropriate). Setup will take place between 4:00-5:00 and the event will run from 5:30-7:00. Top 3 winners of the trunk contest will each receive a $25 Amazon gift card!

Grades 3-8 Clubs- If you signed your child up for a club on or before October 25th, they may begin on Monday October 28th. Our clubs can be found on our website Monday Clubs- CLICK HERE. Please see the club and informational flyers. If you are interested in signing up, you MUST complete the link on our website Club Signup - CLICK HERE. Payment on MSB will not be required until accepted into the club. Please await confirmation on your child receiving a ‘seat’ in the club before paying.

Spotlight on Students

Our students K-8 have been working diligently on their Hispanic Heritage classroom display boards and/or projects. Please make sure you and your family make it out on Tuesday Night for Trunk or Treat and Hispanic Heritage Night combo. Hispanic Heritage projects and activities will be taking place in the cafeteria.

Parent Involvement

Mustang Store Wishlist- Our next Mustang Store is approaching fast. We are asking for donations to our store if you are able to contribute. Please utilize the link below. As students continue to earn money, we want to be able to stock the store for them to shop.

Amazon Wishlist




Stay In The Know:

  • For printable school calendar Click here
  • Get the MUSTANG's calendar directly to your phone: CLICK HERE
  • To receive reminder alerts about school events, click the BELL icon below. You will be asked to create an account to receive calendar alerts.