On behalf of the administration, faculty, staff, and students of AAH, we welcome you to our athletic facility and program. The schools competing are members and have agreed to abide by the constitution and bylaws of the Tampa Charter Athletic League to insure the highest possible standards of conduct in their interscholastic programs.
We ask that everyone demonstrate an attitude of good sportsmanship throughout the season. Respect is a right for the athletes, coaches, faculty, administration, and officials. Any spectator not displaying appropriate conduct will be asked to leave the facility. Your cooperation is expected and appreciated.
Parents are not expected to agree with the coaching staff on all matters. However, you are expected to support the coaching staff especially in conversation with your child. Please keep an appropriate line of communication open with your Head Coach. Email and Remind are the best ways to contact your coach during the day, with the understanding that they have many responsibilities as a teacher and may not respond immediately. After practices are a good time for most to speak face-to-face. Before and after games are not ideal unless it is an emergency. There are many responsibilities for a Head Coach on game days and you may not have their full attention. When having a conversation with your Head Coach, remember this: 1) Playing time is something we will not discuss. You may address your players performance and any strategies your Head Coach may have for improvement. 2) A Coach should never discuss any player other than your own. 3) If at all possible, you should include your player in the conversation, so that they may be aware of strategies given and experience a transparent conversation concerning their performance. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in an abrupt end to the conversation. Please do not feel insulted but understand that coaches must abide by these guidelines to ensure professional integrity is intact.
How you can help:
• Help your athlete eat nutritious meals and discourage junk food.
• Insure sufficient sleep at night.
• Work with your child on academic assignments.
• Attend games and positively cheer for the team.
• Encourage conditioning in the off season.
SPORTS FEE: Sports fee is $85 per student per sport, must be paid prior to first competition of the season to be paid at MYSCHOOLBUCKS.COM print receipt turn in with pack.
· A student is considered academically eligible if they are passing (70 or above) all of their classes at the time of the following report card.
· If a student is not academically eligible upon receiving their report card, they are immediately deemed ineligible and may not participate in any Athletic program until they provide a report card that is within the parameters of academic eligibility.
· If a student is ever suspended from school due to disciplinary action, that student will immediately be removed from their current roster. The only way a student may participate in another sport later in the year is by having a meeting with the Athletic Director to determine future eligibility.
· Any other classroom discipline (email home, lunch detention, etc) may result in a suspension or loss of playing time. Cases will be handled individually by the coach and Athletic Director.
· Athletes are expected to be at every game and practice. An excused absence may include (but not limited to) doctor visit, death in the family, tutoring. Excused absences must have prior communication with the Coach and be accompanied with a note that is time and date stamped.
· Unexcused absences may include (but are not limited to) hair cut appointments, recreation or club sporting events, or “not feeling good.” An excess of unexcused absences may result in loss of playing time or dismissal from the team.
***All coaches reserve the right to ask for the dismissal of a participant at any time, following a meeting on the matter with the Athletic Director.***
Students will be held responsible for all athletic equipment issued to them.
School uniforms are to be used or worn only under two strict conditions:
-Informed by the school administration
Students are responsible for taking care of their uniform and returning them at the end of the season, unless otherwise instructed by the Athletic Director/Coach.
Students are responsible for having all required equipment needed to compete.
Multi-Sport Athletes
· Many of our students play multiple sports, and we encourage that. However, there are times when sports overlap on the calendar. If an athlete is currently participating on a team and tryouts for another sport take place, they will be granted a separate tryout period following the completion of their current sport.
· No athlete may participate in another sport until the completion of their current sport.
· If a student should chose to quit participating on a team (for whatever reason), they may not participate in another sports activities until their previous teams schedule is complete.
Please sign and return the last sheet to the Head Coach.