Art Club
Grades: 3-8
- Explore art history
- Create fun masterpieces
- learn different art techniques
- and more!
Harry Potter Book Club
Young wizards and witches, if you are in Grades 4-7, Professor Becton invites you to join the Harry Potter Book Club where you will read, get sorted into Hogwarts house, play games, and participate in fun activities.
Hosted by: Mrs. Becton
Room 1001
Capacity: 20 students
Guitar Club
Grades: 5-8
Hosted by: Mr. Murphy
Room: 301/302
Capacity: 20 students
*Must have personal guitar
Grades: 3-8
Room: 901
Hosted by: Mr. & Mrs. Shields, Mrs. Poers
No Fee
Board Game Club
Grades: 5-8
Room: 102
Hosted by: Ms. Wilson
Book Club
Grades: 4-6
- Discover new books
- Discussions & activities
- STEM integration
Hosted by: Mrs. Mattison
Capacity: 20 students